The most popular RPG "Dragon Quest" in Japan is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
Dragon Quest has some impression that it is popular only in Japan why.
I would like to think about the reasons for its popularity in Japan and why it is not so in other countries.
The first thing you can think is that Dragon Quest is too royal.
The historical
background reminiscent of the medieval era was greeted with innovation
to Asian countries, but it may have given the impression that it has
been unusual in Western countries.
The story is that the brave defeat the devil, and the means of fighting is sword and magic.
In the Middle Ages of Japan, there may have been samurai and ninja, but there was no knight and wizard.
Therefore, the
sense of the medieval era would have a strong impression that a new
genre was born, as it has a more fantasy aspect than it is an old tale.
However, it is a waste not to play Dragon Quest with that image alone.
Dare to include various interests in simple content and world view.
Yuji Horii who deals with the design of the game from the first work has enough people to call it God in Japan.
Dragon Quest is planning to release 11th this year, but he continues to supervise all works for 30 years.
Its content is not just a thought, it may be based on myths around the world, or it may be deep.
Also the persons involved in the other productions are amazing.
The design of most characters and major characters and monsters is Akira Toriyama.
He is the creator of Dragon Ball, a world famous manga.
People who probably saw packages and game screens must have thought that they had seen those characters somewhere.
The brave of the past seems to be somewhat invisible as Goku.
Of course it is
famous in Japan, it makes me excited not only to mangle but also to
manipulate his designed characters in the game.
Music is also spectacular.
Kouichi Sugiyama who is doing music incorporates authentic classical music into game music.
He says it is a way to make it empty no matter how many times he listens, in an RPG that might otherwise be monotonous.
He was also
involved in the production from the first work, and at that time he was
already a veteran composer who passed the age of fifty.
He is still 80 years old and he is still making eleventh music.
In 2016 it was registered in the Guinness Book of being the oldest and composing game music.
So why is it very popular in Japan, but not so popular in other countries.
One of them, as I
mentioned earlier, is because the impression of a simple medieval era
is old and has a modest impression in the Western countries, and it
seems to get impression that stimulation is insufficient as the latest
Another reason is that good parts may be scraped off when translating for other countries.
I am playing both the Japanese version and the North American version of Dragon Quest 4 to 6.
It may be
unavoidable for people, places, and monsters to have different names,
but it is the magical name that felt a sense of incompatibility.
It seems that
Yuji Horii is thinking about the magic name of Dragon Quest, but at
first glance it is nothing but a meaningless word.
But it somehow makes sense somehow.
With the game continuing, there are lots of magical names that can be learned naturally, and they are also used in other works.
It has a very familiar name as well as a simple world view.
To tell the truth, the unique magical name that is not that anything is tied to the image that Japanese has.
For example, the
magic of flame is called "mera", but this does not mean flame, it makes
a Japanese "meramera" used as an imitation sound when a flame is
That is not the magical effect itself, but a unique name that is understandable with some intuition is attached.
However, there is no such fun in the North American version.
The magic of fire is fire, and the magic to recover is heal.
On the contrary,
the magic that wakes up the sleeping companion becomes chirping like a
chirp and the number of characters is the most numerous and it seems
obstructive, and the magic that attacks by sacrificing its own life is
becoming Kamikaze.
Especially Kamikaze has destroyed the world view of the game and I personally feel uncomfortable.
I also heard that for the religious reasons the display of the cross in the North American version is forbidden in the church.
I think that the
fun of Dragon Quest may not be conveyed or disseminated because of the
circumstances that can not be said unconditionally in that sense.
However, although I say it many times, Dragon Quest is funny.
If you are
actually playing and somewhere unsatisfied, actually remember that
various unique attempts have not been translated well, I want you to
fill in with your imagination and continue.
Thank you for reading to the end.
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