Donald Trump became President of the United States of America.
Previously, I wrote that he is an honest man on this blog.
It seems like an innocent child who said that the king is naked in the fable.
It is not ironic to him.
I hope that fair logic will come to the chaotic world.
Well, do you know that part of Japan's territory receives unreasonable treatment from neighboring countries?
It happens in three areas, not just one place.
They are territories of Japan with no hesitation in international law and history.
They are Senkaku Islands, Takeshima, Northern Territories.
China and Taiwan have insisted on the Senkaku Islands as soon as the possibility that oil and other resources are reserved.
But they have no foundation.
Because the Senkaku Islands belong to Okinawa.
After World War II, Okinawa was ruled by the United States.
It was later returned to Japan.
At least at that time both China and Taiwan had recorded the Senkaku Islands on the map with Japanese territory.
You will find that it is a sudden and unreasonable claim that is not planned.
Until recently the owner of the Senkaku Islands was a private Japanese.
The owner said the Chinese government officials had negotiated the purchase of the land.
It seems that it was several times the amount presented by the Japanese government when it was nationalized.
But it is like evidence admitting that it is owned by the Japanese.
Do not you think it is strange?
There are many such things going on.
Senkaku islands are not illegally occupied by other countries.
Takeshima and the Northern Territories are illegally occupied.
After the Second
World War, South Korea insisted that the territory including Takeshima
is a territory of its own country unilaterally.
South Korea effectively controls Takeshima with military force without grounds of international law.
Occasionally strange things happen about this unreasonable claim.
In every case South Korea declares its ownership of Takeshima by using the media in international places.
In international football games he gave a huge banner in the audience seat.
Of course, it is out of the question to bring politics to a sports game.
South Korean leaders may land on Takeshima when provoking against Japan, for example.
But why is it advertised as much as this, or is it used as a symbol of provocation?
That excessive act or forcible excitement represents an unfair invasion.
Northern Territories are also illegally occupied by Russia.
The Northern Territory is also made up of several islands.
During the
Second World War, Japan and Russia were quasi-alliance relations, but
Russia invaded Japanese territory just before Japan declared defeat.
Takeshima and the Northern Territories, weak points in Japan can not be
regained by the use of force when effective control is done.
Because Japan has abandoned war in Japan 's constitution.
Moreover, it is difficult to change the constitution by Japan 's Constitution.
So it has been the same all the time.
And it seems that this is the cause of unreasonable invasion and assertion by neighboring countries.
The only true truth is that Japan does not claim unfounded claims.
I hope the world is not greed or chaos, but logical and honesty that is protected by law and order is given priority.
Thank you for reading to the end.
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