Lyrics "Light Music Soil"


Here in the middle of the city
State-of-the-art music
It is ringing in a refined space
Lighting is cool too
Even dancing was carefully selected
It is an excellent dancer who studied at school

Production of light that the promoter likes
Phrases preferred by repeatable music producers
More refined today than yesterday
Because we say that we are creating the era
That's it
That's it
That's it
Is it so?

Grip the wild soil
Muddy in the mud
Light music soil
Do not look only on the surface

Grip the wild soil
Muddy in the mud
Light music soil
Do not forget the farmers

Dance clothes phone toilet
SNS Lots of followers
Cool job
Envy life
Physiologically obedient

Under the sun
Looking up at the sky
Worried about harvesting

It is free to add sound to this lyrics, but please contact us if you want to make it for profit.
At that time I claim rights.
thank you for reading.



気になったものをリストに入れています。 送ってくれる方はいないとは思いますが念の為に貼っておきます。 プレゼントされた場合は開封動画などを撮影して公開する場合もありますのでご了承下さい。 もし宣伝して欲しいものなどがありましたらご連絡下さい。




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